Adding insult to injury

Todd Talks
with Todd Muller
National MP

I don't think there is a single person in this city who isn't shaking their head at last week's cancellation of the TNL to Omokoroa. Instead of getting underway in 2018, the incoming coalition government cancelled it, then reinstated a watered-down version.

Then cancelled that last week, along with other significant roading projects around New Zealand. What a slap in the face to everyone who has fought so hard to get a safer and more efficient State Highway 2. To add insult to injury, you and I will instead be funding a cross-harbour cycle bridge in Auckland. I doubt we'll ever get to use it, and most Aucklanders probably won't either.

In April, employers had to increase their staff salaries due to minimum wage changes. Even if they were not employing staff on the lowest rate, the flow on effect will impact their wage outgoings substantially. This was on top of the increased public holidays and sick leave. Now the government is proposing a new threat to employers: the reintroduction of 1970s style interference in the workplace.

A collective pay agreement can incorporate even non-union members if 10 per cent (or 1000 members) of that industry want it. Even if those staff are not interested in negotiating, they'll lose the right of consent to such an agreement and also the right to privacy, as this law will require employers to give staff contact details to unions.

If you are involved in business, you are encouraged to attend a public meeting I'm holding with Tauranga MP Simon Bridges and Coromandel MP and opposition workplace relations spokesperson Scott Simpson on Monday, June 28, at Tauranga Sport Fishing Club (6pm). For full details and registration, visit:

I hope to see you there.