No-one wants Three Waters!

Talking Politics
With Sam Uffindell
Tauranga City MP

This week, the Government has put the House into urgency in order to put through its atrocious Three Waters legislation, the Water Service Entities Bill. The proposed Three Waters model has faced wholesale rejection by councils and communities across New Zealand. Labour's Three Waters reforms will now take control of much more than local water assets, with the Government looking to extend it to certain community parks and reserves.

The Government is intent on ploughing ahead with their highly-centralised, co-governed mega-entities, no matter how strong the public opposition is. Labour wants this Bill passed and out of the public eye as soon as possible.

It is clear that Ardern and Mahuta's promises of consideration and open dialogue with mayors about their alternatives are just talk. Labour has no intention of making any real changes to their reforms.

The Government should now abandon its Three Waters campaign and actually work with local councils to find an enduring solution. Councils should retain ownership of their water assets and the Government should not impose co-governance on the delivery of these public services. These have always been bottom lines for National.

I look forward to speaking on this Bill this week. I will speak incredibly strongly against this takeover of local council assets, against the ethnic-based separatism that it creates, and I will continue to advocate for localism and the fundamental tenant of equal citizenship. We are all New Zealanders – let's act like it! National will repeal Three Waters.