State Highway 2 through Karangahake Gorge remains closed on Tuesday afternoon, with locals stunned by the deluge of water that has been flowing over the Owharoa Falls into the Ohinemuri River.
The gorge, a sharply winding canyon, was formed by the river. SH2 passes through this gorge between the towns of Paeroa, Waikino and Waihi.
There is no way out for many residents in either direction because of the flooding and some are saying its the highest they've ever seen the river.
The Ohinemuri River overflowing onto roads and bridges in the Karangahake Gorge. Photo: Simon and Mags Stradling.
Water was seen flowing over onto SH2 and lapping over the bridge linking Waitawheta Road with SH2.
To keep up to date with road closures including Karangahake Gorge,please check Waka Kotahi NZTA

Hauraki DIstrict Council Mayor Toby Adams has been providing video updates on Facebook, outlining the key points people need to be aware of about flooding, road closures, and the response by council to residents and properties.
Owharoa Falls kicking it following Tuesday's storm, pouring into the Ohinemuri River. Photo: Simon and Mags Stradling.
Flooding on SH2 in Karangahake Gorge. Photo: Jason Bartley.
Flooding on SH2 in Karangahake Gorge. Photo: Jason Bartley.
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