Drop, Cover, Hold - or some decide to leave K-Town

VIDEO: Jessica Gray with her husband, two children and two dogs, taking cover under their table during a swarm of earthquakes near Kawerau on Saturday. Video/Photo: Supplied.

While some Kawerau residents are hunkering down and keeping themselves safe as the swarm of earthquakes continues to roll through, others are leaving 'K-Town' for the remainder of the weekend.

"It's due to the ongoing earthquakes. I'm just finding I'm on high alert," says one resident and SunLive reader who is leaving Kawerau early Saturday afternoon to stay with family overnight in Tauranga.

"We didn't get much sleep last night, and we want to be somewhere we can sleep tonight."

Kawerau resident Jessica Gray, her husband, their two young children and their two dogs took shelter under a table, following the recommended 'Drop, Cover, Hold'.

"It's still shaking," says Jessica to SunLive at 2.15pm. The family have taken books and drinks with them under the table.

Jessica published a video to her Facebook page, and glass paintings and other items can be heard crashing around them as another earthquake strikes.

"The earth has been shaking for hours," says Jessica. "And it's progressively getting worser and quicker.

"We're not quite sure if there's another big one coming but we're all under the table."

"So we're fine," says one of her children on the Facebook video.

"It's been doing this for hours and it's progressively getting stronger and stronger. If long and strong get gone," says Jessica.

She starts to sing to the children, with one interrupting her to say they'll need to get video games to play under the table. While this conversation happens, two more quakes shake around them, with the dogs panting each time.

The children resort to playing 'rock, paper, scissors' with their own variations such as 'rock, paper, scissors, TNT',

Other Kawerau residents have expressed concern through Facebook posts about Putauaki, which rises above the Kawerau landscape, and is about three kilometres east of the town.

Some are wondering if there is a landslide imminent due to what they believe appears to be a long line or crack appearing on the side of the mountain facing Kawerau.

"Dunno about you fullas but I'd get outta Kawerau today until Rūaumoko settles down," says Te Ringahuia Hata to their Facebook page.

Putauaki, previously known as Mount Edgecumbe, is a dacite volcanic cone and is the easternmost vent of the Okataina volcanic centre, within the Taupo Volcanic Zone.

SunLive has asked GNS Science for more information about Putauaki and will update this once that becomes available.

Road slips near Kawerau.

There are multiple slips on State Highway 34 between Kawerau and Rotoma

There are multiple slips on SH34 and through the Rotoma Gorge. Photo: Supplied.

'Due to the multiple slips, Stop/Go traffic management and speed restrictions will be in place along the highway from Kawerau to the intersection with SH30,” says a Waka Kotahi NZTA spokesperson.

'Take extra care and expect delays.”

More shaking around New Zealand

Geonet says there's shaking up and down the country today, with a shallow M4.7 earthquake recorded this afternoon in Canterbury.

"It was felt throughout the city, Port Hills and further inland, and we have received over 6300 felt reports," says a Geonet spokesperson.

"Aotearoa is reminding us today of the natural forces we live with, and while it can feel unsettling, it's a good reminder to think about your preparedness plan - check out getready.govt.nz. And remember, Drop, Cover and Hold is the right action to take in an earthquake."

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