Multiple trucks attend large fire

Fire trucks attending the scene of a fire in Tauriko on Friday night. Photos: Cameron Avery.

Northern Fire shift manager Josh Pennefather says 12 fire trucks attended a large fire in Tauriko overnight.

“We received a report of a digger on fire at 10.41pm [Friday],” says Josh.

“It was at a palm kernel storage facility in Taurikura Drive, Tauriko.

“We arrived and found the digger on fire inside the facility.”

Fire trucks attending the scene of a fire in Tauriko on Friday night. Photo: Cameron Avery.

Josh says the building which was 50m by 100m in size had a kernel pile that was 30m by 60m in size and was approximately 10 -12 metres high.

“The digger was on top of the pile of kernel. The fire was in the digger and it had spread through to the roof.

“We investigated how much through the roof the fire had spread."

There were no reports of injuries.

“Fire fighters removed the digger from the pile at 12.30pm. We had the fire out by 12.56pm, and left the site by 1.45am.”

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Fire trucks attending the scene of a fire in Tauriko on Friday night. Photo: Cameron Avery.


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