Do you need Bylaw Authority before digging?

Next to a flood defence? Check before you DIY this summer. Photo supplied.

Landowners are being reminded to check if they need a Bylaw Authority before doing any digging, planting or building.

A Bylaw Authority is written permission from the Regional Council that includes conditions to ensure flood protection and drainage infrastructure assets are not damaged or compromised.

Properties next to or near Regional Council owned or managed flood protection or drainage assets (such as stopbanks, floodwalls, drains and pump stations) may be in a Bylaw Applicable Area and, therefore, need a Bylaw Authority before completing work on their property.

These Bylaws do not prevent the public from doing work on their land, but ensures any work doesn’t accidentally affect the integrity of our flood protection and drainage infrastructure assets, says Regional Council rivers and drainage Assets manager Kirsty Brown.

“Flood protection and drainage assets are our first line of defence when it comes to protecting communities during large flood events. It is crucial that they function properly when needed.

“A tree or post near a stopbank, or a structure in a drain can compromise the functionality of these flood defences and put them at risk of failure when we need them most.”

Regional Council Flood Protection and Drainage Bylaws have different rules for different parts of the rohe (region).

Landowners can check if their property is in a Bylaw Applicable Area by using our interactive map online.

The public can also contact for information specific to their property.


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