The minister for local government has responded to calls for Tauranga's 10 year plan to be delayed until elected officials are in office.
The Long Term Plan caused division amongst city leaders when former mayor Greg Brownless called for it to be put on hold until the commission term was over.
ACT Party MP Cameron Luxton came out in support of Brownless. "I'm asking the new minister for local government to take steps to delay the Long-Term Plan," says Luxton.
ACT Party MP Cameron Luxton.
Commissioners were appointed to overlook the council by the previous government in 2021 because of significant governance problems among the councillors.
Some local business leaders took jabs at Brownless and Luxton and say further delays to address the city's infrastructure would be "catastrophic".
Formar Tauranga City Mayor Greg Brownless.
Local Government Minister Simeon Brown says he wants to see "local democracy restored for the people of Tauranga".
However, he says the commissioners are under an obligation to deliver the 2024-34 plan for the city.
"The terms of reference given to them provide the commission with the same decision-making powers and consultation obligations as an elected council," says Brown.
"I expect to see the wider community consulted on any significant decisions, just as would happen under an elected council."
Photo: RNZ / Angus Dreaver.
Brownless is concerned the plans would bind council and ratepayers to contracts for a decade.
Brown acknowledges the plans will, "require long-term contractual arrangements," but says, "no council has the ability to bind the next council to any particular direction or actions".
The commission term is scheduled to end in July when the city undergoes its local election for city councillors and mayor.
Your in charge, then change it
Posted on 31-01-2024 09:08 | By an_alias
You can change the terms of reference but clearly the gravy train has to keep going aye.
They have NO mandate and WERE NOT elected to set ANY LONG TERM PLAN.
These may NOT be binding but Heck they have signed Tauranga up for a S@IT load of taxes that no one had a say in.
HOW ABOUT GET A COMMENT ON THE LEVY or you saying we can Cancel that ?
Yes of course…
Posted on 31-01-2024 10:43 | By Shadow1
It sort of begs the question of the point of a 10 year plan doesn’t it? If the next council can dump the plan. Fortunately our new council will be able to do just that if they see the need. As long as there are no more tedious plans to destroy the rest of Cameron Road or prohibitively expensive projects signed off by the Commission, we should all get on famously until July. Thanks Mr Brownless and Mr Luxton for clearing that up.
It's commonsense
Posted on 31-01-2024 10:48 | By Bruja
That the Commissioners should NOT be able to 'sign us up/bind us to ANYTHING that starts after July. They have NO MANDATE for ANYTHING that happens or begins beyond July.
about time :)
Posted on 31-01-2024 12:38 | By MoR
These Commissioner's need to go and restore elected Councilor's for Tauranga, I applaud Mr Luxton and Mr Brownlee for bringing this forward.
Leading by exmple?
Posted on 31-01-2024 13:30 | By OG-2024
Perhaps council was a mess, perhaps Tauranga was in dire straights, I would suggest we are worse off now and ratepayers and residents, not to mention business owners are totally ignored by those supposedly serving us and caring for our city.
I agree we need a plan, some direction and explanation WHY we should go that direction. BUT we also need to be able to discuss, debate, consult, examine decisions and the evidence they were made from, and then, ONLY THEN, pass the plan into being.
We have no council, no voice and a pack of commissioners that were foisted upon us that we have no confidence in.
Tauranga used to be a great place, now we are no better than a southern suburb of Auckland.
national, regional and local government all need a good swift B in the A over this mess!
The Master
Posted on 31-01-2024 15:41 | By Ian Stevenson
The minister simply needs to ensure that: -
1 The Commissioners genuinely and robustly consult, because they are not and don't want to... or
2 Change the terms of reference to "Require" the above, or
3 Defer the LTP 2024-2034 to after July-2024 elections.
4 Or require elected member verification of the LTP
It is not actually the LTP that is the issue, it is the contracts, terms and penalty clauses that TCC Commissioners will insert intentionally to obstruct the correct of the mess they have, arer and will make before eviction.
Posted on 01-02-2024 07:59 | By Duegatti
Such short memories on display here
We had councillors more interested in hating the Mayor than doing what we needed done. For all their faults, the Commissioners got things going.
When we revert to local democracy, I just see more of the same in fighting, more self interest, more procrastination for fear of losing votes, etc, etc.
The cost of redrawing a 10 year plan makes the cure worse than the disease.
The Master
Posted on 01-02-2024 09:30 | By Ian Stevenson
@ Duegatti
Yes, but really, no! The previous mayor had his own agenda, rather than ruling by consensus/majority.
In reality, the Mayor and a few others were hell bent on the mad and crazy stuff that the Commissioners are wildly and recklessly indulging in to date and now. Lets not forget that TCC staff were also vigorously keen on this also. The TCC staff and ex Mayor were the ones seeking Wellington intervention as a means to by-pass due process, elected member majority decides etc.
The other side of it were those wanting to rationalise the spending-up to something affordable, essential and important. That being what the Minister instructed but the Commissioners have instead indulged with what they like/desire...
There is a huge mess at TCC, a lot worse than before and in time that will multiply massively.
Who is paying
Posted on 01-02-2024 20:55 | By tabatha
The ratepayers are providing money and are not really having any real say in the spending. The commissioners if you contact them are not really listening. A parking building that was built for residents is now reserved forca company parking. The company re built and were not required to provide adequate parking. My hope is that new building that council is building has parking for workers.
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