Tauranga City Council’s commissioners have confirmed that this week’s draft 2024-34 Long-term Plan submissions hearings have provided “valuable food for thought” as they prepare for the next stage of the LTP process.
Commission Chair Anne Tolley says the commissioners were heartened by the energy, passion and commitment of those who submitted from the sport, recreation, culture and arts sectors of the community.
“The city is fortunate to have so many hard-working and committed volunteers in the not-for-profit and sports club sectors who add so much to the wellbeing of our community.”
Some 2200 submissions on the draft plan were received late last year and this week, 119 organisations and individuals took the opportunity to present their views directly to the commissioners this week.
Anne says it’s particularly useful to hear directly from submitters and have the opportunity to seek clarification on the issues raised.
“We now have useful information on many of the points raised by submitters and will be able to take that into consideration during next month’s deliberations,” she says.
“Council staff will also be preparing issues and options reports on all of the substantive matters, so that we can make fully informed decisions which take all aspects into consideration.”
Anne emphasises that no decisions have been made on either the draft LTP or the fees and charges proposals consulted on with the community and says the final LTP must deliver outcomes which are in the best interests of the community as a whole.
“That requires a carefully balanced approach, which means that some submitters may not get what they have asked for, but whether or not that is the case, responses will be made to all submission points which will explain why we have arrived at the decisions made.”
The final LTP and Council Fees and Charges are expected to be adopted in late-April.
Bull tweet
Posted on 17-02-2024 09:00 | By Angels
We always hear that they are going to listen. But. They always have it already done and dusted . If we really believed that we would be listened too they might get a shock at the realities.
Hope we get an elected accountable council soon. A council with no dead weights from the past. Mr b that is you
Unrewarding territory.
Posted on 17-02-2024 10:15 | By Accountable
Some of those councilors from the previous regime would be very worthy candidates for the new council. We will need some very experienced people to take charge of the out of control council staff and get the cities priorities in the correct order. New councilors will be mince meat to the council staff who have the ability to take control of them unless the new councilors have prior knowledge of the system.
Who and why would anybody in their right mind want to become a councilor when they have the biggest financial shambles in the history of Tauranga to try and negotiate through and at the same time appease the majority of the ratepayers whilst doing so. The pittance of a pay would not be enough of a reward for the amount of abuse they will sustain because of the financial disasters the commissioners have left in their wake.
Hilarious Tolls
Posted on 17-02-2024 10:51 | By an_alias
That line is absolutely priceless, "careful balance", we listened, nodded and smiled, "submitters may not get what they asked for"....you'll get what we already decided folks....."responses will be made to all submissions which explain why we have arrived at the decision".......oh boy, she told it to you straight......we decided to spend heaps of money and someone has to pay and thats you.
Tolls by name, tolls by nature.......I got plans baby and you ARE MY FUNDING.
at last
Posted on 17-02-2024 11:17 | By dumbkof2
the smile will soon be wiped from their faces when they are turfed out.
Posted on 17-02-2024 13:43 | By CliftonGuy
The commissioners say that they "hear" us.
As I said to my son - "What is the difference between hearing and listening?" I then explained that a person hears a noise, but listening implies a degree of comprehension and analysis of the point being conveyed across. A certain amount of thought needs to be put into the process.
Indeed, the commissioners say they hear our point of view. But it appears that they do not listen to them.
Posted on 17-02-2024 14:33 | By Let's get real
I wonder what the odds are that once again the bottomless pit that is the "ARTS" will get special privileges from council.
Acres of empty space for displays and thinking.
But, of course, it is "the arts" and the world might stop revolving without a splash of paint, some interpretive dance and expressions of personal opinion and values.
We can't possibly be a city without at least two museums, two theatres, a number of display centres for paint, a stadium for the worship of sports, brand new council offices with harbour views and a community whare.
How many regular office workers get a view and why do we need to provide the employees of the city with subsidised food and drink.
No wonder we have to pay extra for the necessities of life like water, rubbish removal and the hopeless and unnecessary public transport system.
I'm Sure
Posted on 17-02-2024 17:11 | By Yadick
Feedback from yourselves shouldn't count.
Posted on 18-02-2024 16:14 | By Groj
So here’s a challenge to the commissioners.
Stand in the up coming local body elections
Stand on the policies you are promoting. (Stadium, museum etc)
Stand on your results. (Cameron road part 1)
You are signing off an LTP in April for a new council to inherit in June.
Are any of you willing to back your plan by standing for council in the upcoming elections?
I Don't Understand
Posted on 19-02-2024 22:43 | By Yadick
Labour is out, gone, washed up. WHY are we still burdened with these Commorons?
WHY are we not hearing a whisper from National
Sam Uffindell? Does he even exist anymore?
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