Public submissions are now open for residents to have their say on the representation of the Western Bay of Plenty District Council.
Western Bay Mayor James Denyer says representation lies at the heart of a thriving democracy and community “ensuring that the voices of everyone are heard, considered, and represented in decision-making processes”.
Councils are required to review their representation arrangements every six years to ensure it is effective and fair for the community.
This includes boundaries of districts’ voting wards and numbers of elected councillors.
“We last did a review in 2018 and our district has changed since then,” says James.
“Our community is evolving, and our representation arrangements need to keep pace.”
Population estimates, according to Stats NZ, show nearly 12,000 newcomers to the Western BOP – from 48,960 in June 2017 to 60,770 in June 2023 – since the 2018 Representation Review.
This includes the General Electoral population increasing from 43,000 to 53,500 and the Māori electoral population increasing from 5960 to 7240.
The district is also becoming increasingly diverse.
“So, it’s now time to review the representation arrangements and we’re keen to hear your feedback.”
As part of the ‘Do You Know: Representation Review Edition, Kei te mōhio koe: Te Putanga Arotake Whakaata’ process the council has already decided the First Past the Post electoral system will be used for the 2025 and 2028 Local Body Elections.
It’s also decided to establish Māori wards for the 2025 election.
Following this community kōrero, council will develop a draft proposal and check in with the community one more time later this year, July-August, before adopting the final arrangements.
Any changes will be in place for WBOPDC’s next election in 2025.
To give feedback on the Representation Review, or to see where community events are being held, visit:
Or you can grab a copy at council library and service centres or: email:
Feedback closes 5pm Monday, April 15, 2024.
So have your say
Posted on 06-04-2024 10:13 | By an_alias
Reading this means Denyer just told you what they are doing, so apparently thats having your say.
Looks like Maori wards regardless of what you want, so race based elections are now part of WBOP.
@ an_alias
Posted on 07-04-2024 12:27 | By morepork
Great post, so sad that it is accurate. I'd like to know WHY we have so many different outfits that are administering us. Do we really NEED all of the different Councils? It looks to me like a merry-go-round for seat warmers to climb on board. Given the pain that has been caused by the mis-management and mis-governing of the Commission, I'm hoping that prospective candidates for Tcc have taken on board the primary requirements for local government:
1. Leave your ego at the door.
2. Develop EXTREME sensitivity to the responsibility of handling OPM.
3. Give the community a chance to prioritize the projects you intend to implement (including a vote to cancel (0 priority...)
I'm not against Maori Wards for areas where the population is primarily Maori and they feel that they get something special from a Maori Ward. Other areas should vote.
Posted on 07-04-2024 13:42 | By Let's get real
Ratepayers having a say in the direction of council.... Really.
Everyone has exactly the same chances of receiving the support of the whole ratepaying community in council elections and if you happen to be a Maori candidate you can have a go in two wards.
How can the community have any respect for their representatives in a system that leaves decision making up to wards in the community.
We should disestablish the ridiculous wards system and put every candidate before the whole electorate to get the best possible results and representation. We're not electing a government appointment to Wellington, we're endeavouring to find the very best candidates for the local community at large.
But once again we have been TOLD by council... It’s also decided to establish Māori wards for the 2025 election.
The best candidates from the entire community, no matter race or gender.
@Let's Get Real
Posted on 08-04-2024 19:17 | By morepork
I agree with your points but there is more to it. I would like to see Maori Wards abolished, AND Maori seats in Parliament, also, because they are remnants of a bygone time when Maori NEEDED protection from non-Maori. I'd like to see Maori candidates winning seats and making a difference for all of us, not just a local iwi. But, you have to be realistic and if Maori communities do not feel safe and confident under the government we have, then that has to be addressed. (Maori issues get addressed like ALL issues.) Maori Wards can be seen to be working in SOME areas of the country (mostly rural and mainly Maori populations). But, the long term aim has to be a level playing field for ALL, and the end-point has to be a diverse nation with respect and regard for the over 200 ethnicities that comprise it.
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