18:58:09 Monday 10 March 2025

New playground planned for Tauranga waterfront

A better playground is on its way, so council need to take the current one away. File Photo.

A new playground, described as an inclusive fun zone for all children, is being planned for the Tauranga waterfront

As part of the Waterfront transformation, Tauranga City Council is removing the current playground to make way for an improved playground.

"Work to remove the current playground will begin on 4 June and the site will be fenced off. We are considering how parts of the playground might be repurposed in other locations around the city," says a council spokesperson.

"Don’t worry – the new playground on the Waterfront will be ready for our community to explore this summer right next to the Tauranga moana. 

"From early July, the new playground will start to take shape. The community can expect to see four different play zones, including a central tower structure made of waka for climbing and sliding – it will be a great lookout too.

"There's also a nature play zone and an elevated pathway that follows the milky way and a water play zone with troughs and water pumps and more. 

"There are plenty of other ways to play while work is underway - Hairy Maclary and friends aren’t going anywhere and we have some fun, playful surprises up our sleeves which will be rolled out in the area over the next few months.   

"The new playground is one of many exciting projects happening along the Waterfront to help our city centre become an even greater place for people to live, work, visit, learn and play."



Posted on 29-05-2024 09:43 | By Yadick

So what will happen to the old (though relatively new) play ground that is already there and serving the community well? Will it be sold to help with expenses since we're so far in debt, will it be donated to make Commorons look good, will it be thrown aside like memorial seats from Mount Maunganui, . . .


Posted on 29-05-2024 12:43 | By overit

Cost please?

The Master

Posted on 29-05-2024 13:01 | By Ian Stevenson

@ yadick

The commentary above creates double jobs... and 10x the cost + time wsated by Bura-rats.... how else do they bankrupt the city and all its ratepayers?


Posted on 29-05-2024 15:05 | By JFL

I completely agree. The current playground is new, the waterfront is redeveloped and only sometimes used. Memorial park is 15 mins walk away. Downtown revitalisation has been ongoing for decades. Did supporting the uni build downtown revitalise? Has several plan reviews done so? What about car parking initiative, art gallery, urban design initiatives? So easy to spend and hope, then spend a bit more, hope a bit more. Do a formal evaluation of previous initiatives , build some credentials then just maybe I'd be a bit less cynical.

Miss common sense

Posted on 29-05-2024 15:33 | By Wicked

You have got to be joking. Does the unelected council think the community is made of money. How out of touch are they ? Wake up noddies, we are in a recession. There is nothing wrong with the present play ground there and this proposal would be another waste of community money. Who else agrees with me ?
Lets see now, what practically needs fixing ?
Oh yes, lack of housing and people living in cars.
Getting rid of vaping shops.
Reducing dental costs
Oh does the Tauranga community also know this bunch of unelected tools are planning to close Otumoetai community pool and want us all to go to Memorial park to swim there at a cost of around $180 million, coming from where ? you guessed it !

Help! I need somebody

Posted on 29-05-2024 18:53 | By AuntyMinnie

Not just any body. Help! I need somebody NOW.

Tauranga certainly needs some help. Hopefully the new Mayor and Councillors can give is some positive help. We need to restrict unnecessary spending, make good use of what we already have and find a way forward that does not cost the ratepayers even more money.

Help is really needed now.


Posted on 29-05-2024 19:52 | By Adrienne Pierce

I agree with the comments above. There is so much stuff on the go for the Council just get some stuff finished and do not keep finding things to spend ratepayers money on! Memorial Pool is on another stratosphere - $122 million and $733k in grants annually, open in 2029! Fix Otumotei and everyone else swim in the ocean or go to Baywave! I’m standing for Arataki Ward. Adrienne Pierce 🌺

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