Community helps chart course of boat ramp design

The decision has been made to keep the public car park at MacMillan Reserve following feedback from the community. Photo: Google Maps.

A new barbecue area, more street lighting and CCTV cameras have been added to the proposed upgrade of Katikati’s Beach Road boat ramp and surrounds, following community consultation.

Feedback from the community has also resulted in a decision to keep the public car park at MacMillan Reserve, so people can continue to enjoy the water views, while boat trailer parking will move to a new sealed area at 294 Beach Road, where there is more space to manoeuvre.

The Beach Road Boat Ramp and Surrounds Concept Plan includes improvements to the boat ramp, esplanade foreshore reserve, MacMillan Reserve, and 294 Beach Road.

Western Bay of Plenty District Councillors adopted the final plan following community kōrero earlier this year, which resulted in 127 submissions.

Of those who shared their views, 73 per cent supported the plan, with many providing Council with additional suggestions.

“This is a special place to many people. It is widely used by tangata whenua, local residents, recreational boaties, the Katikati Boating Club, dog walkers, cyclists, freedom campers and other visitors who enjoy the area’s scenic outlook,” says Senior Recreational Planner Jason Crummer.

“Through our kōrero with the community, we identified several key themes, which were taken into consideration in developing the final concept plan.”

Other improvements to the area include raising and widening the first 30 metres of the boat ramp, installation of cultural and historical features, creating more open green space for new picnic areas, and a new toilet block.

Council has also committed to providing clear walking and vehicle access to Tutaetaka Island urupā for Te Rereatukahia Marae whānau, removing the shipping container, and adding coastal margin planting to slow erosion to the esplanade.

"While there was support for a playground, this was not included in the plan as there is the opportunity for a future destination playground to be built at Moore Park," says Jason.

"This will be part of future conversations and planning with the community."

The total indicative cost of the upgrade is $867,514, and it is anticipated this will be shared between Council (50 per cent), financial contributions from developers (25 per cent), and external funders (25 per cent).

It is proposed that a portion of 294 Beach Road, which is owned by Council, be subdivided and potentially sold to help fund the upgrades.

Funding, and the potential timing of bringing the Beach Road Boat Ramp and Surrounds Concept Plan to life, will be considered through future Council planning processes including the 2025/26 Annual Plan.



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