Should NZ mirror Australia's new vape law?

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A world-leading law banning the sale of vapes outside of pharmacies has passed in Australia - a bold move that New Zealand should emulate to protect its youth says the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ

The organisation has been closely following the vaping law reform, after making a submission in support of the ban.

Australia's new law allows people aged over 18 years old to purchase plain-packaged nicotine vapes, not exceeding 20mg/mL, from a pharmacist. Those under 18 years old will still need a prescription from their health practitioner or doctor.

Foundation Medical Director Professor Bob Hancox says he commends Australia for taking such a bold step in the fight against the youth vaping epidemic.

"This legislation sets a powerful example for New Zealand and other countries grappling with the rise of vaping amongst young people.

"While most countries are sitting on their hands, unsure how to tackle this problem, our neighbours across the ditch are taking decisive action to try and get this public health crisis under control."

New Zealand now has the opportunity to implement similar measures to protect our youth, Professor Hancox says.

"While our Government plans to ban disposable vapes, Australia’s world-leading law tackles the issue head-on and aims to make a real difference.

"We urge our policymakers to take a leaf out of Australia's book and adopt a similarly robust approach as part of a broader strategy to combat the youth vaping epidemic."

In Australia, daily vaping rates are 2 per cent among 12-15 year olds and 6 per cent among 16-17 year olds.

In New Zealand, about 15 per cent of 15-17 year olds vape.


Should go one better...

Posted on 29-06-2024 08:51 | By fair game

Lets just ban them altogether. Save the country a lot of health dollars.


Posted on 29-06-2024 12:15 | By davidt5

Vaping originated as an aid to help people to quit smoking. I believe that is has been effective when used correctly by smokers. It is the abuse of the vapes by our youth which is the real problem which needs prompt and constructive action to prevent an even larger problem to occur within our community. I believe that the moves made by the Australian government will make a significant impact on the under-age users of vapes. It is the responsibility of adults to help our youth to choose good habits and to put restrictions in place for choices which are not good for them - block their access to vapes.

@fair game

Posted on 29-06-2024 12:49 | By morepork

Yep, 100%. I've been saying that since they first suggested allowing them in. There were powerful overseas lobbies of the previous Government and the completely false idea that vaping could help people quit smoking (despite numerous scientific studies showing that it simply replaces the addiction) was, apparently, persuasive. All objections were ignored and now the country is paying the price. The move in Australia is a step in the right diection, but the only good solution is to ban vaping completely. Give current vendors say, 6 months, to close down their business and find a more ethical way to make a living, ban all imports, and then ramp up funding for addiction centres, so vaping addicts can get proper help like any other addiction. Anyone caught selling vape equipment gets a prison sentence, and users who have not registered as addicts get a serious fine.

Re @fair game

Posted on 30-06-2024 09:09 | By Pundit

Hi @morepork. It still intrigues me why you want to ban something that undisputably helps people give up smoking. We also know vaping has not caused one death in NZ. I took the liberty of reading the Sunlive stories on alcohol and not once in the comments did you advocate banning it. More than 800 NZers die every year from alcohol so I am not sure why this is not a priority for you over something that kills nobody. Alcohol, Dietary, Tabaco and drug use are the top killers in NZ. Check out the ActionPoint website for the stats. Surely any of these would be a great target for your banning mindset and would undoubtably have a tangible effect on life expectancy in NZ.


Posted on 30-06-2024 13:58 | By morepork

1. " It still intrigues me why you want to ban something that undisputably helps people give up smoking." Because it doesn't. (So I do dispute it...) Both of the independent scientific studies that I have seen show it simply replaces one addiction with another. The "helps you quit" myth was promoted by the vaping industry to persuade politicians here to allow it into our country.
2. It is not a Kiwi industry. It's promoted and profited from by overseas interests.
3. It is addictive and not in any way beneficial to health. I might concede that it is less harmful than smoking, but the jury is still out...
4. Saying that I shouldn't object to vaping unless I object to alcohol, is like saying that I shouldn't object to paedophilia unless I object to church choirs...
I'm afraid we'll need to agree to disagree on this.

Just Wait

Posted on 30-06-2024 14:51 | By Yadick

I agree totally with fair game and morepork. Ban the vape.
You're also right though Pundit, but just wait. It's too early to see the full ramifications of vaping but mark my words, it will come. The consequences of smoking didn't happen immediately either but they did happen.
Car drivers also kill but (despite Mahuta's best and ridiculous efforts) they too haven't been banned.
The question is, where do we draw the line?
Aussie is taking a proactive step in the right direction but in our PC world (grrrr) - kids have rights, parents have had control removed. Corrupt doctors, of which fortunately are few and far between, will write a script, gangs will go black market, what happened to the law where you can't smoke/vape in a car with kids/toddlers/babies. Apart from a total ban (morepork puts it well) I don't know where you draw the line...

Prescriptions Ok, Banning No

Posted on 01-07-2024 07:40 | By Thats Nice

Vaping absolutely helps people to give up smoking - end of, not myth at all. We all know that cigarettes contain FAR more chemicals than any vape juice available and as for addiction, please remember that not all vape juice contains nicotine and a lot of vaping to give up cigarettes is habit not addiction. Are we next going to ban lollies, chips, soft drinks, cakes, alcohol, fast cars etc so the young ones won't harm themselves? Parents simply have no control over their kids anymore and there lies the problem. Vaping has been around for over 20 years in NZ and not 1 death - go figure. Prescriptions ok, banning no.

@ Thats Nice

Posted on 01-07-2024 09:03 | By Yadick

Interesting comment. Definitely food for thought.
Thank you.

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