Bad weather spoils golf tournament

“Ladies win”: Ladies winning team is Karen Lee, Avon Gordon, Rachel Yoo, and Adele Gunning, flanked by representatives of Craigs Investment sponsors. Photo: Rosalind Giffney.

Weather conditions this week caused the cancellations of several Waihi Golf Club fixtures, and was most unfortunate for the large sponsored ladies tournament on Friday, says club member Rodger Bagshaw.

"The Craig's Women's Teams Tournament was held on Friday, but unfortunately the weather gods spoilt the occasion by returning with consistent cold rain," says Rodger.

"The Ladies section had put in a lot of preparation and had attracted with a full field of 112 ladies, but with the conditions as they were, the well accepted decision was made to reduce the tournament to nine holes."

Rodger says approximately eighty ladies still turned out and endured the conditions.

Generously sponsored by Craigs Investment Partners the tournament was played in a congenial spirit, and the great prize table was eagerly contested.

In first place was the local team called “The Drowned Rats’, Karen Lee, Avon Gordon, Rachel Yoo (Paeroa), and Adele Gunning.

In second place were visitors “Waikeri Hackers”, Carole Garside, Jan Dawson, Judy Garrick, and Emma Dingle.

Third were the Waihi team “Nameless”, Bev Ireland, Kathy Ashton, Liz Hale, and Sharon Deacon.

A chipping contest was held prior to play to help raise funds for St John Ambulance. This keenly contested event was won by Shoneen Dunning (Waihi).

Waihi’s Shoneen Dunning who won the charity chip off, flanked by  representatives of Craigs Investment sponsors. Photo: Rosalind Giffney.


After a very wet Monday the Nine Hole Section had a dry day for their stableford haggle.

Vicky Knight continued her good form, and she and Margaret Meldrum both had the best scores of 20 points.

Next were Lorraine Meyer and Anne-Louise Erceg with 19 points, then Tukatara Tangiia with 15, followed by Tina Berg and John Vautier with 16 points.


In what started out as a stableford haggle on a nice morning for a small field of ladies, turned into a wet, cold struggle.

The best of the finishers were Rae Brown and Megan Jowsey who both made 36 points, with Michelle Libby next on 35. Jacquie Bain and Megan Jowsey shared the Hidden Holes with 7 points.


Wednesday's rain had disappeared for a pleasant day for the men’s haggles.

In the Morning Haggle Div one, three players Gary Choat, John Giffney, and the inevitable Jim Powell all scored 36 points, ahead of Ted Murray on 33, then Des Crene, ken Mustard, and Willie Lynch all with 32.

In Div Two, Doug Ferguson was again on top with 39 points, one ahead of Rodger Bagshaw with 38. Errol Millar was next with 35, then Graham Leigh on 34. Peter Hewitt had 33.

In the Afternoon Haggle, Graig Sandlant tore the field apart with a great 42 points, heading off Andy Roche with 38. Mark Bryant had 37, then Graeme Parkinson, Damian Dunlop, and Jonathan Clare all had 36 points.

Daryll Denyer made a re-appearance to score 35 points.


Heavy rain in the morning resulted in the Saturday ladies, and the men’s morning haggle being abandoned, but clearing weather from early afternoon resulted in a reasonable field for the regular Afternoon Haggle.

The best three of the field were Eddie Evans, Graeme Parkinson, and Rhys Peden, who all came in with 40 points. Next were John Burns with 38, then Wilson McGillivray on 37. Murray Gutry had 36, and Chris Pilmer 35 points, while Andy Roche and Daryll Denyer had 34.

Rodger Bagshaw.


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