A wellness conference for amputees

Waikato-Bay of Plenty Amputee Society. Photo supplied.

The Waikato-Bay of Plenty branch of New Zealand’s Amputee Society is hosting a one-of-a-kind wellness conference in Tauranga on September 14 - and everyone is welcome.

Tauranga man Darren Ross is organising the conference - at Greerton Hall from 11am-12pm on September 14 - to show understanding and support of all things for amputees.

“The wellness conference is for amputees, friends, and family, and up-and-coming amputees - or anyone who wishes to understand being [an amputee] and have empathy,” says Darren.

“We will have international and national guest speakers attending, so all will be able to learn to be supportive in a person’s journey to life as an amputee.

“We want them to understand why amputations happen, how to cope with an amputee when you’re the partner or friend or family, and how to cope with being an amputee yourself.

“The more we get to come to our conference, the better. We are hoping for 150 people, but we want as many as we can,” says Darren, who is an amputee himself.

He began the Amputee Society’s Waikato-Bay of Plenty branch after he saw a need for a support group where all amputees could gather and share stories and organise events in the region.

Darren says the group currently holds meetings at his home or cafes but is looking for a new place to call home. “Once-a-month, we hold committee meetings for event planning. We need a place of our own for our coffee catch-ups and to store our event stuff.”

The group also need a place where amputees “can come and express themselves and even grieve their loss”.

“Sometimes their feelings are very raw,” says Darren.

The branch has already held a variety of events to meet up with each other and have some fun. “It’s important to have a society,” says Darren. “It’s to inform, support and be there to help make other people understand amputees. We are a big supportive family. We have 300 members on our mailing list.”

Darren encourages people to get along to the September 14 conference. “A light lunch and tea, coffee and water will be provided.”

To find out more about Waikato-Bay of Plenty branch of New Zealand’s Amputee Society, contact Darren at darrenlightwalker@gmail.com.



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