New rainbow crossing for Tauranga

Pride advocate Gordy Lockhart said it is amazing Tauranga will get a rainbow crossing after his six-year campaign for one. Photo/ Alisha Evans


Tauranga getting a rainbow pedestrian crossing after a six-year campaign is a sign it’s “growing up”.

Tauranga’s community, transparency and engagement committee approved installation of a rainbow crossing in Tauranga city centre at a meeting on Tuesday.

LGBTQIA+ advocate Gordy Lockhart campaigned for six years for a crossing in Tauranga and petitioned Tauranga City Council for one.

That petition, with 871 signatures, was presented to the council in April and the commission felt the decision should be left to the incoming council.

Lockhart was visibly emotional as the decision was made and he thanked the councillors and staff.

He was supported by a handful of people in the public gallery who applauded as the motion was passed.

The crossing will be installed at 21 Devonport Road outside He Puna Manawa, the library and council service centre.

The standard pedestrian crossing will be flanked by the progress pride flag on either side.

Pride advocate Gordy Lockhart celebrated the decision to install a pride crossing in Tauranga with rainbow cake. Photo / Alisha Evans

Speaking after the meeting, Lockhart said he’d asked the council for a rainbow crossing four times so getting one was fantastic.

He said the first two times were before New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi changed the law allowing roadway art.

Lockhart started the petition calling for a crossing after the rainbow crossings in Gisborne and Auckland were vandalised.

The petition generated a lot of hate and online trolling was “disgraceful”, which took a toll, he said.

Having something on the street that made everyone feel welcome was a great step to celebrating Tauranga’s minorities, said the founder of the inclusivity charity You Be You.

“Tauranga just started growing up.

“If we start celebrating each other, then we’ll end up in a much better place as a city [and] as a nation.

“This is the start for Tauranga - we’re now going to have a symbol of diversity, a symbol of belonging, a symbol of valuing everybody for who they are. I think that is just amazing.”

Councillor Hautapu Baker said council had a part to play in ensuring everyone has a sense of belonging. Photo / Alisha Evans

During the meeting, councillor Hautapu Baker said Tauranga means safe anchorage and he wanted to ensure the council lived up to that.

“That has inspired my vision to ensure that everybody, regardless of who they are, where they come from, can anchor themselves safety in our city and feel a sense of purpose and belonging.”

“This community … has only ever attempted to find a place where they belong.

“[The] council has a part to play, ultimately, in actually providing that sense of belonging and purpose, and we’ve heard quite clearly for a number of years [from] this community that they don’t have that.”

The rainbow crossing was one small step to ensuring the LGBTQIA+ community could anchor safely in Tauranga and the council recognised who they were, their challenges and celebrated them, said Baker.

Councillor Steve Morris said in these “divided times”, the community needed a symbol of common humanity and dignity.

“The installation of the progress pride flag does not represent that because it is highly political.

Gisborne's pride crossing once it was restored after being vandalised.

Because the progress pride flag had become “highly political” and for many people represented gender-focused ideology, it wasn’t appropriate in the public realm, said Morris.

The council should be “very agnostic” when displaying symbols that were “highly political”, he said.

Morris voted against installing the crossing.

Councillor Rod Taylor acknowledged the bravery of Reihana Marx, a transgender woman who ran in the July election.

Her fortitude in putting herself into the public arena was inspiring and led to him supporting the crossing, said Taylor.

“My hope is that by promoting the LGBTQIA+ community in an overt way, we will have a city where everyone can make their contribution without fear.”

The crossing will cost $10,000 to install and require the road to be closed for one night.

The council aims to have it finished by then end of the year.

LDR is local body journalism co-funded by RNZ and NZ On Air.


gay crosssing

Posted on 10-09-2024 19:43 | By peter pan

Why should the ratepayers pay for a crossing that only 871 people petitioned for. Only ratepayers should have a say on what the council spends their money on what ever it is.

Why ?

Posted on 10-09-2024 20:01 | By rogue

With the city centre all but dead, this appears to be another waste of money.
Also is it being put in place of an existing crossing...or are we continuing to stop traffic flows.
I hope the council has cameras on it for when Tamakis Mob whitewash it like they have others.


Posted on 10-09-2024 20:02 | By Roger

Do you really think people actually care about this garbage , get a life and do something meaningful with ratepayers donations.


Posted on 10-09-2024 20:08 | By Roger

Another waste of ratepayers time and money , get a real life and do something meaningful.

What a criminal waste of money

Posted on 10-09-2024 20:13 | By MareeL

So only about 6 or so people get to make this decision? To spend $10,000 on some paint! What about the food banks? Emergency housing? Potholes? Looks like this council is going the same way the last one did.

Road code

Posted on 10-09-2024 20:19 | By Johnney

Has something changed. When I sat my drivers license the road code stated that vehicles must stop at a zebra (black and white) crossing and allow pedestrians to cross. Has something changed.

Another nail in the coffin

Posted on 10-09-2024 20:20 | By First Responder

Downtown Tauranga is dead, killed by the TCC. The crossing is the final nail in the coffin

What the heck?

Posted on 10-09-2024 20:35 | By The Sage

What an incredible waste of money and resources. This is PC gone mad.

NZ Law

Posted on 10-09-2024 20:48 | By Yadick

I have nothing against or for a rainbow crossing but peter pan does raise an important point.
The other point is the NZ Road Code is very clear about what a legal pedestrian crossing is and it's approaching warning signs, the diamond. Under New Zealand law where do we stand as a driver in regards to a rainbow crossing? Perhaps Sunlive could do an article to clarify this?

~Have to agree with peter pan

Posted on 10-09-2024 20:53 | By The Caveman

What is the cost of a standard ZEBRA crossing ??

What is the cost of this rainbow crossing ???

Are MAJORITY of the RATEPAYERS in Tauranga happy to see their rates being spent on something that is TOTALLY unnecessary ??


Posted on 10-09-2024 22:10 | By BushBash

The natural rainbow has been destroyed
Your making hate towards your selfishness
Not everyone needs to know your jumbled letters

Responsible spending?

Posted on 10-09-2024 22:22 | By groutby

.....I don't think so.
...and $10,000 ($10,000?) seems like an hell of a lot for what is essentially replacing a well known and recognised painted design finished with a can of suitable white paint.
Whatever the wants and desires of all of us, currently we need a council with the intention to think and spend very, very wisely.
It already appears that this will not be the case.
Perhaps there is an opening for a 'rainbow' crossing if funded by those 871 and supporters who want it.....still interested?

Hurray for the rainbow crossing

Posted on 10-09-2024 22:49 | By Manu Caddie

Everyone who lives in the city contributes to the rates TCC uses to pay for stuff. Not everything TCC does needs a petition - so they do it regardless, I'm not sure why a petition was even required for such a simple gesture celebrating inclusion and diversity. I think TCC should review who's doing their street markings though - $10k seems like a lot to paint some coloured lines across the road, but I guess it's special paint and needs to look neat and tidy - and hopefully not be slippery when wet.


Posted on 10-09-2024 23:30 | By The Truth Is Out There

Peter. Is living in dreamland, not neverland. The council does what it wants. Not what the ratepayers ask for. But it's ok! We only 200% in debt, on what they earn. A little way yet. To reach USA's 53 Trillion plus.

So over it

Posted on 11-09-2024 05:06 | By Saul

Anyone else over all of this bull?

Look forward to the Tyre marks....

It actually illegal

Posted on 11-09-2024 06:04 | By Mein Fuhrer

To use anything other than the official white lines. Go paint a bloody wall or something at your own expense instead of forcing your demented demands on normal tax paying citizens. So can I start a petition to paint a confederate flag on one? I'm sure I'd get more than 871 signatures.

Disgusting act by council

Posted on 11-09-2024 06:49 | By Jacinda Ardern

$20,000 for a painted sidewalk..This Is why tcc is so hated in Tauranga.. Complete woke pc bull$shit

Road graffiti

Posted on 11-09-2024 06:50 | By Intrepid Fox

What a waste of money. I bet if there was something that was actually needed it would take more than a petition with 871 signatures on it to get it done.


Posted on 11-09-2024 07:06 | By jed

Road markings are for safety, not to promote sexual preferences.


Posted on 11-09-2024 07:45 | By Thats Nice

"Tauranga’s community, transparency and engagement committee"? What on earth is this all about? Actually, I don't want to know. The ratepayers are forking out for this. What next?


Posted on 11-09-2024 07:46 | By Opinion100

this is just nonsense, what is the purpose of it? you have taken what used to be cool for kids and turned it into an gender thing?

there is no purpose for this in tauranga, as a father of daughters i dont even want to see a male using the same bathrooms as them, not in any setting. its disgusting and really shows you how the world wants to push this agenda on everyone NZ aint got the balls to say other wise.

Pride should be you taking care of your house, your family, your car, etc.. not a community of confused individuals who cant accept responsibility nor admit when they are in the wrong, or go through hard times in life, always needing to be accepted who have to impede on all children activities to satisfy their needs.

Well Peter Pan

Posted on 11-09-2024 08:46 | By earlybird

a crossing is a crossing is it not. Personally I think the rainbow crossing looks way better than the standard one. I can't imagine that there would be that much difference in the cost, and the colours will certainly help to brighten up our city.


Posted on 11-09-2024 09:52 | By Yadick

$10,000.00 to paint some coloured lines?
Someone's making a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow!

More garbage

Posted on 11-09-2024 10:37 | By treekiwi

at rate payer expense. This rainbow nonsense if just juvenile "look at me" showboating.

Some colour

Posted on 11-09-2024 11:51 | By Katos

What an awesome way to celebrate our rainbow community and add some much needed colour down Devonport Road. Bringing some fun back to the world.

Pedestrian Crossing?

Posted on 11-09-2024 12:19 | By Wundrin

A crossing it may be, but seemingly not one legally affording any protection or rights to pedestrians unless it is controlled by traffic lights.

And the stupidity continues

Posted on 11-09-2024 13:17 | By nerak

so much for a new council mending the bloodied wounds of this sad city. We're on our knees already, will you be happy when we're prone, with nothing left to give?
On idiot crossings, what about one each for the many Asian groups in this town, they love colour and there's way more of them than 871. They won't petition, either, too busy getting on with life. Or we could have a special crossing for nudists, oh, they wouldn't need a crossing, the mere sight of them would stop the traffic. Come on TCC, grow up, remember your proper job and if you can't, get the hell out. TCC continues to ruin Tauranga.

What a stupid waste

Posted on 11-09-2024 13:45 | By Browny

I am starting a petition to stop this being paid by ratepayers. If 871 people want this, they can pay for it themselves. But even then, it goes against the road code, it will get vandalised, and is absolutely stupid that they are forcing a symbol of sexual preference to a public road? What the? Leave that to yourself.

Feel free to sign this petition, because I would suspect the majority of rate payers do not want to contribute to this nonsense!

Jokes once again!

Posted on 11-09-2024 13:51 | By AA

What a f**** joke. Waste of money - one again! and here we are a new suburb that is fighting to get a safe way in and out of the suburb, a bus stop, and a playground. But TCC just loves wasting our money on not necessary things. How about assure that the new suburb as a safe entry and exit way? or attend to the numerous CCTV footage of all the near accidents of the entry/exit way of our suburb! Seriously TCC should use common sense, ohhh hang on, common sense not that common anymore and is a superpower now!!!

This has to be a joke...

Posted on 11-09-2024 18:57 | By Richardaa

This is garbage,why do a small percentage of the community think they need to be special....
I love boats...should we have a boat crossing...I'm over Tauranga ,this is ratepayers money they are playing with...again..
I hope someone sees the light and puts a top to madness...
I've had enough and will do averything in my power to put a stop to this stupidity...

Great to see!

Posted on 12-09-2024 09:17 | By KiwiDerek

What an excellent addition to Tauranga. I can only imagine that everyone will be delighted to see the CBD slowly improving.

Its brilliantly good.

Posted on 12-09-2024 21:10 | By peter pan111

I love it. We need some more colour in the streets. Cause if we gonna waste rate payers money on cycle lines in tauranga. A small tiny lane road isnt even gonna make a dent or cause trouble

If your a bigot though this might cause mental episodes cause letting other people express themselves in tauranga is rude and only one demographic should have there decorations around town.

This is gonna be good for tauranga πŸ‘

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