16:52:45 Sunday 9 March 2025

Waikato & BOP state highway works for February

File photo.

State Highway 29 continues to be a hive of activity with night works starting on the Kaimai Range from Sunday, February 9 for 10 nights.  

SH29 Kaimai Range will have night closures from 8pm - 4.30am from Sunday, February 9 to Friday February 14, and from 8pm - 4.30am from Sunday February 16 to Friday February 21, 8pm to 4.30am. 

“The SH29 scheduled full closures for maintenance are providing huge safety benefits for both our crews and road users,” said Sandra King, NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi System Manger, Bay of Plenty.  

The Kaimai Range closures are enabling crews to carry out scheduled maintenance more efficiently. By locking in a schedule, regular road users including freight operators, can make plans to minimise disruption to themselves and their customers. 

"We’re taking advantage of the closure to do other work on SH29, increasing the effectiveness while traffic volumes are reduced across the Tauranga and Western Bay of Plenty state highway network," King said.  

“With so much work taking place it is inevitable road users will come across worksites and traffic management. When you see roadworkers out on the road, travel safely through their site, follow signage and any instructions you receive, and give them a wave to say thanks for their tremendous work."

And, it’s likely there’s another long weekend in the mix for a lot of people, for those who decide to take Friday February 7 off after Waitangi day.

"If you do take the break with friends and whānau, don’t let your extra day lose its charm by getting stuck in the car, beat the traffic by using the NZTA Holiday Journey Planner, which shows predicted traffic flow across popular journeys. 

 “Patience is key when driving public holidays. Keep a safe following distance from vehicles in front so you can stop safely and drive to the conditions. We want to see people enjoying the long weekend and arriving at their destinations safely,” said King. 

To plan ahead and see where disruptive works are, people can use the NZTA Journey Planner (journeys.nzta.govt.nz) This is kept up to date in real time so you can see all disruptive activity and potential hazards on the state highway network. 
Bay of Plenty 


  • SH2/Fifteenth Ave: Major works to build the connection from Fifteenth Ave to SH29/Takitimu Drive Toll Road are in progress as part of the Takitimu North Link project. Works involve the building of a 120m long retaining wall and earthworks, this is well underway, and we are preparing to start the construction of the single lane bridge connecting SH2/Fifteenth Ave to SH29/Takitimu Drive Toll Road. Piling will start in March and take approximately 3 months, and construction of the bridge will take approximately 12 months to complete. One lane at SH2/Fifteenth Ave near Edgecumbe Road is closed while this work takes place, this is likely to remain in place until mid-2026. More information.  
  • SH29 Kaimai Range: The Kaimai Range will be closed overnight from Sunday 9 to Friday 14 February (4.30am), and for a second week from Sunday 16 to Friday 21 February (4.30am) from 8pm to 4.30am to allow road resurfacing and maintenance to take place. The closure points on the western side of the Kaimai Range are at the SH29/24 and SH29/28 intersections and on the eastern side of the Kaimai Range at the SH29/Cambridge Road intersection. Detours are available for all vehicles southbound via Rotorua and northbound via SH2 Karangahake Gorge. Emergency services will have access at all times, residents can access their property from the relevant side of the closure. More information 
  • SH29 McLaren Falls Road: From now until Tuesday 11 March, temporary traffic management, lane shifts, and a closure of the Lower Kaimai passing lane will be in place from Poripori Road until just after McLaren Falls Road. This is to enable drainage maintenance work to take place. There will be a reduced speed limit of 50km/h through the site, and 30km/h at the intersection with McLaren Falls Road to ensure the safety of the community and our team. Three lanes will be open at the weekends.  
  • SH29 Kaimai School: From Sunday 2 to the morning of Tuesday 4 February, 7pm to 6am each night, lane closures and stop/go will be in place for resurfacing works. A temporary 50km/h speed limit will be in place during the day to ensure the safety of the community and our team. This work is weather dependent.  
  • SH29 Tauriko West between Redwood Lane and Cambridge Road: Access to Cambridge Road from SH29 has re-opened. Project construction is ongoing at multiple sites on SH29, with shoulder closures, reduced speed limits and mobile operations in place. From Wednesday 29 January, intermittent mobile operations to allow for vegetation clearance along SH29 between 808 SH29 and 782 SH29 will be in place. From Tuesday 4 to Thursday 6 February, shoulder closures and intermittent mobile operations will be in place on the southbound lane of SH29, just south of the Cambridge Road intersection, for vegetation clearance on Whiore Ave. On Saturday 22 February, lane shifts and a temporary 30km/h speed limit will be in place on SH29, between Gargan Road and Cambridge Road, for power pole relocation works. People are advised to expect delays. More information   
  • SH29/Redwood Lane: Shoulder closures, reduced speed limits and mobile operations are in place. On Sunday 2 February, between 7pm and 6am, pavement construction continues on Redwood Lane at the SH29/Redwood Lane intersection. Redwood Lane will be closed with residents only access. From Sunday 2 to Tuesday 4 February, from 7pm to 6am each night, works to relocate existing safety barriers on the northbound lane of SH29, between Belk Road and Gargan Road, will be underway. A temporary 30km/h speed limit, lane shifts and stop/go will be in place. Motorists and cyclists are urged to drive and ride with extra care, especially in the areas between Redwood Lane and Belk Road, and adhere to the reduced speed.   
  • SH2 Hewletts Road crossing: There will be a 24 hour closure on SH2 Hewletts Road between Newton Street and Maunganui Road allowing work to replace railway lines, sleepers and to resurface the road. The closure will take place from 6am Saturday 15 February through to 6am on Sunday 16 February. There will be a detour available for all vehicles via Newton Street, Hull Road and Maunganui Road.  
  • SH2 Tauranga Eastern Link Toll Road (TELTR): The Tauranga City Council led project continues. A 2km section of SH2, just past the Kaituna River Bridge, continues to be reduced to a single lane in each direction allowing construction of the Pāpāmoa East Interchange to progress. This closure will remain in place for the duration of construction, with a temporary 70km/h speed limit in place.More information. 
  • SH2 TELTR: The Quayside Properties Ltd led Rangiuru Business Park Interchange project continues.  More information  
  • SH29 Takitimu Drive Toll Road: Ongoing works in this area for the Takitimu North Link project include the construction of a flyover bridge and southbound slip lane. On Sunday 16 February, SH29/TDTR will be closed for 1 night from 8pm to 5am to install barriers, this will result in the temporary removal of the southbound passing lane during construction. A reduced speed limit of 70km/h remains in place while crews are working behind the barriers. Traffic is anticipated to be diverted onto the flyover bridge and southbound slip lane in late 2025 while works continue.  More information. 

Western Bay of Plenty 

  • SH2 Katikati: The 100th Katikati A&P show will take place on Sunday 2 February from 7am to 7pm at the Uretara Domain. There will be a reduced speed limit in the area, motorists can expect more traffic and pedestrians in the area.  
  • SH2 Waihī to Ōmokoroa Safety Improvements: Currently we have 2 roundabouts under construction. More information  
  • SH2 Apata Station Road to Wainui South Road: Road construction works are underway in preparation for the new roundabout. Lane shifts are in place along with speed restrictions. There will be intermittent stop/go traffic management in place which may cause longer delays. Follow the temporary signs and directions of the traffic management team and watch for layout changes. Expect minor delays.  
  • SH2 Pahoia Road to Plumbers Point Road: Service installation and lane shifts are in place along with speed restrictions. There will be intermittent stop/go traffic management in place which may cause longer delays. Follow the temporary signs and directions of the traffic management team and watch for layout changes. Expect minor delays.  
  • SH2 Ōmokoroa Road: Road construction and service relocation works are underway in preparation for the new roundabout. Lane shifts are in place along with speed restrictions. There will be intermittent stop/go traffic management in place which may cause longer delays. Follow the temporary signs and directions of the traffic management team and watch for layout changes. Expect minor delays especially during peak times. More information  
  • SH2 Snodgrass Road, Te Puna: Night works are underway on the road rebuild near the Snodgrass Road and Te Puna Quarry Road intersection expected to be finished mid-February. While the work is taking place, the entry into Snodgrass Road and Te Puna Quarry Road will be closed at the state highway end. Alternative roads are available to the south via Munro Road and to the north via Armstrong Road or Borrell Road. Work will start at 8pm each night finishing at 5.30am, Sunday to Thursday, there will be stop/go in place and a temporary speed limit during the day.  
  • SH2 Minden Road – Takitimu North Link Stage 1: Shoulder closures and stop/go traffic management are in place as part of the Takitimu North Link project works. Please take direction from staff on the ground and slow down through the work site while works continue.  
  • SH2 North chipseal programme: There are 3 more chipseal sites left south of Katikati to be completed over 4 nights by Waitangi Day. A site near Thompsons Track is planned to be completed on the night of Friday 31 January, while 2 other sites near Lund Road and the Claymark Sawmill are to be completed by Wednesday 5 February. The final 2 sites on this corridor near Athenree are planned for completion by Friday 14 February. All works are weather dependent. There will be temporary speed limits in place the day after chipsealing has been completed to allow the chipseal to bed in. 


  • SH30 Te Ngae Road-Wharenui Road, Rotorua: Preliminary work such as locating services will get underway in preparation for the signalising of the SH30 Te Ngae Road and Wharenui Road intersection. From Monday 3 February Wharenui Road will be closed to through-traffic from the intersection with SH30 to the intersection of Glenfield/Reeve roads. Traffic management including speed restrictions will be in place on SH30 Te Ngae Road. A temporary pedestrian crossing point will be installed south of the intersection. 
  • SH5 Rotorua: Those travelling between Rotorua and Tīrau on SH5 will encounter 2 major road rebuilds and are advised to allow extra time when planning their journeys through this section of highway. The first is an approximate 2km stretch of SH5 just west of Oturoa Road Mamaku, with the second just east of Tapapa. Both are expected to take 2 further months to complete and will have stop/go traffic management and temporary speed restrictions in place during this time. More information. 
  • SH36 Te Pu: A road rebuild including drainage has started on Monday 20 January on State Highway 36, Te Pu north of Dudley Road is expected to take 10 weeks to complete. Works will take place from Monday to Friday between the hours of 7.30am and 5.30pm with prioritisation for peak morning and evening traffic flows, weather permitting. Expect delays while the work is taking place as there will be stop/go traffic management in place with a 30km/h speed limit. 

Eastern Bay of Plenty 

  • SH2 Waioweka: To enable contractors to safely replace and lay new asphalt within the Waioeka Gorge, it will be closed daily, between 10am and 6pm from Tuesday 11 to Friday 14 February. The soft closure points are between Kerei Street, Matawai, and Warrington Road, Ōpōtiki, with closure times between 9.40am and 5.40pm. On Monday 10 February, the road will be open with stop/go and a reduced speed limit in place between 8am and 5pm allowing crews to dig up the existing road in preparation for the asphalt layer. For detailed closure times see media release. 


  • SH1 Tīrau to Waiouru overall programme:   Keep up to date - sign up to the e-newsletter 

SH1 between Tūrangi and Waiouru: The Desert Road closed at 5am Monday 13 January and will remain closed for approximately 8 weeks. The detour (from north to south) is via SH41, SH47, SH4, SH49 and back to SH1 in Waiouru and adds around 30 – 40 minutes to journeys. Access onto the work zones is limited, and those authorised to access will face delays. Note the replacement of the Mangatoetoenui Bridge deck will be underway until 21 February, meaning that there is no access across the bridge during this time for anyone.  Access to DOC campsites and walks through the closure will now no longer permitted from Monday 3 February – they are closed. There are also now additional restrictions being put in place turning from SH46 onto SH1 and vice versa – these are now only accessible for the residents, marae, businesses. 

SH1 South of Tīrau to north of Putāruru: SH1 is being closed at nights from 7pm to 6am to put the final surfacing on the recently rebuilt road. These closures are expected to finish on the night of Tuesday 4 February. During this time all traffic will be detoured from SH1 via SH5/SH28 White Road. This adds an extra 4.6km and approximately 8 minutes to journey times.  

SH1 Pūtaruru to Tokoroa – 3 March: SH1 will be closed for approximately 4 weeks for road rebuilding from Domain Road to Pinedale Road. There will also be some night closures in early April for the final surfacing of the road rebuilds completed last year between Vospers Road and Rollett Road.  

SH1 Ātiamuri to Wairakei: SH1 will be closed from 3 March for approximately 4 - 5 weeks to rebuild the southern end and finish the safety improvements closer to Ātiamuri.  

East Waikato 

  • SH25, SH27, SH26, SH29 and SH2: Various pre-chipseal sites on SH25, SH27, SH26, SH29 and SH2 in the Waikato have started and will continue until Saturday 15 February, weather permitting. The work will take place between 6am and 6pm each weekday. While the work is taking place there will be traffic management and speed restrictions in place.  
  • SH25 Tairua: Repairs to a large under-slip at Pumpkin Hill near Sailors Grave Road, just north of Tairua, are underway. From Monday 10 February the road will be reduced to a single lane, as our contractors begin to the road surface. Temporary traffic lights will be in place 24/7 to manage traffic flows through the site. More information.  
  • SH25 Onemana: A road rebuild will take place from Tuesday 28 January until Saturday 22 February between the times of 6am and 6pm between Normans Access Road and Liddell Road.  Stop/go traffic management will be in place during this time. Delays of up to 20 minutes are expected.  
  • SH26 Onetai Stream Bridge Replacement: Work is underway to replace the Onetai Stream Bridge, on SH26 between Puriri and Hikutaia. Because of the size of the bridge and the narrow road approaches, our contractors will need to close the road to all traffic for up to 4 weeks while the old bridge is demolished and the new bridge deck installed. The road will remain open but with lane closures from 28 January for 2 weeks. Both lanes will be open during Waitangi weekend. The road closure will be from Monday 10 February until early March. The detour will be clearly signposted. Northbound traffic will use SH2, Orchard and Bush roads and SH25. Southbound traffic will use SH25, Hauraki Road and SH2. There will be access to all businesses along SH26 throughout construction. More Information 
  • SH27 Waharoa: Resealing works on SH27 outside the Matamata Aero Club will be completed in 2 stages. Stage 1 is underway with stop/go, between 6am and 6pm, until Saturday 1 February. Expect up to 20 minutes delay while this work is underway. Stage 2 requires the road to be fully closed for 4 weeks, from Monday 3 February to Saturday 1 March. Detours will be clearly signposted and add approximately 13 minutes to journeys. More information 

Central Waikato 

  • SH5 Mamaku Ranges: A road rebuild is underway, with stop/go traffic management in place between 6am to 6pm. The work will continue through to mid-March. 10 minute delays can be expected.  
  • SH1/5 Taupō: Drivers travelling near the Taupō Commercial Vehicle Safety Centre – under construction on the corner of the SH1/5 roundabout – need to be aware of changing road layouts and speed restrictions from Monday 10 February. Contractors will be installing in-road weigh-in-motion scales and associated camera technology and signage boards until May. These will be installed on 5 of the roads heading towards the safety centre, including SH1 and SH5. Temporary lanes and speed restrictions will be in place. 

West Waikato 

  • SH21 Airport Road: Road resurfacing on SH21 near Narrows Bridge will take place over 2 nights from Sunday 9 February, between 8pm to 6am. While the work is taking place the road will be closed to through traffic between Clearway Rise and Narrows Lane, residents and businesses will have access at all times. The detour available is via SH1 northbound, southbound will use SH3 and SH1C to rejoin SH1.  
  • SH1C Kahikatea Drive: From Sunday 16 February for 4 nights SH1C road resurfacing will take place between Gallagher Drive and Greenlea Lane, between 8pm and 5am each night. While the work is taking place the road will be closed with detours for light vehicles via Cobham Drive, Tristram Street, Norton Road and Hall Street to re-join SH1C. Buses, HPMV’s, overweight and over dimension vehicles will be stacked and allowed through the worksite at intervals.  
  • SH1 Ngaruawahia section of Waikato Expressway: Pavement testing will be undertaken on expressway from Sunday 1 February until the morning of Thursday 6 February. This will be done under a rolling block with minimal delays to traffic flow.  
  • SH1 Tamahere Northbound on-ramp: Overnight Tuesday 11 February, for 1 night only, we will be completing resurfacing works on the northbound on-ramp at the Tamahere Interchange. Works will take place between 8pm and 5am. The northbound on-ramp at the Tamahere Interchange is closed. All vehicles will use the southbound on-ramp, travel southbound to the Victoria Road Interchange and return northbound.  
  • SH1 Tamahere Interchange: On Wednesday 12 and Thursday 13 February, for 2 nights, road resurfacing is taking place on the left lane of SH1 Waikato Expressway, Cambridge section, Tamahere and on the southbound on-ramp. Works will take place between 8pm and 5am. While this work is taking place, SH1 Waikato Expressway will be reduced to 1 lane from the SH21 Tamahere Interchange for 1.5km. All vehicles using on-ramps will be detoured via SH1B Victoria Road Interchange or SH26 Hillcrest Roundabout.   
  • SH1/SH29 Piarere intersection: 2 out of 3 permanent approach roads (SH1, from Tīrau and SH29) have opened on the SH1/SH29 roundabout in Piarere. The temporary Hamilton approach road remains in use while work continues on the permanent configuration, which is expected to be finished March 2025. NZTA thanks motorists for their patience and asks drivers to stick to temporary speed limits and take extra care when travelling through the area while people adjust to the layout. More information.  
  • SH3 Carroll Street, Te Kūiti: From the end of this week council contractors will be replacing a large watermain between Carroll Street and Duke Street in Te Kūiti, this is estimated to take around 5 weeks. Once completed a road rebuild will start and due to be completed in May. During work there will be a single lane closure on Carroll Street with northbound traffic detoured via Taupiri Street for light vehicles and Te Kumi Station Road, Esplanade and Te Kūiti Road for trucks and heavy vehicles.   
  • SH3 Ōhaupō township: A road rebuild is underway on SH3, Ōhaupō Road in the Ōhaupō township. This is expected to be complete late February. While the work is taking place, northbound light vehicles will be detoured 24/7 via Ryburn Road and Forkert Road, which will add approximately 8 minutes to the journey. Heavy vehicles including buses, overweight and over dimension vehicles will be stacked and allowed through the worksite with delays of up to 30 minutes. The southbound lane will remain open to all traffic. More information  
  • SH30 Bennydale: A second road rebuild site near Kiwi Place is underway, expecting to be complete by late February. Enabling works will be done first between 7am and 7pm each day with stop/go traffic management in place. Once the site has been prepared the road rebuild will start, with stop/go traffic management in place and a temporary speed limit of 30km/h. Delays of up to 20 minutes can be expected. 

North Waikato 

  • Pioneer Road to SH1/SH2 link: There will be a full northbound closure from Sunday 2 to Thursday 6 February between 10pm and 5am for guardrail installation. There is a detour in place, motorists heading to Pokeno, please continue on SH1 and turn around at Nikau Road to head south on SH1. Exit at the Pokeno southbound off-ramp. Alternatively, you can detour via Avon Road, Fraser Road, Dean Road and Great South Road. There will be no access from Pioneer Road to SH1. Motorists travelling from Pioneer Road to SH1 northbound will be detoured at Mercer interchange to turn around and drive north.  
  • SH2 Homestead Road to Rawiri Road: Stop/go traffic management will be in place between 9pm and 5am for resurfacing on Sunday 2 February.  

Tairāwhiti Gisborne/Hawke’s Bay 

  • SH5 Napier to Taupō: Recovery alliance Transport Rebuild East Coast (TREC) continues to progress safety improvements, as well as repair, recovery and maintenance activities at multiple sites on SH5 between Eskdale and Waipunga. More information 


  • SH3 Tongaporutu: A road rebuild has begun between Pilot Road and Rapanui Road, taking 1 month to complete Monday to Saturday between 7am and 7pm each day. While the work is taking place there will be stop/go traffic management in place with a 30km/h speed limit, delays of up to 10 minutes can be expected. 


  • SH1 Taihape: Road maintenance work is taking place on SH1 from Manu Road to Rauma Road, Taihape, from Monday 27 January to Friday 31 January. Crews will be working from 8am to 5pm each day. Stop/go temporary traffic management and a reduced speed limit of 30km/h will be in place, with delays of up to 15 minutes expected. Following this work, resealing is planned to take place and this will be communicated closer to the time. 

The above information is accurate at the time of release. Many of the above works are dependent on a number of factors, particularly weather, and may be postponed at short notice. For up-to-date information on road works, traffic, detours and delays, motorists are encouraged to visit the NZTA Journey Planner website (journeys.nzta.govt.nz)
NZTA thanks motorists for their patience while we complete this essential work to keep the state highway network safe, accessible and resilient.  

Plan ahead for a safe, enjoyable journey.

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1 comment

why not

Posted on 03-02-2025 18:41 | By Duegatti

Just close the entire SH network for the rest of summer?
It'll cut the road toll to almost zero, your precious cylists will have the roads they don't pay for to themselves, and the economy can go deeper down the toilet. I've never seen such madness in this country.
None of it would be so bad if we got a decent road network out of it.
But we'll still have the same sub 3rd world roads we've enjoyed for the past 50 years.

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