Green Goals with Josh Cole Green Party |
The Greens have always had future focussed solutions. We cannot let short term success hamstring future generations and the life supporting capacity of the planet.
Yes, the way we are farming today has put the sector at the top of our most successful industries, but this is why it should be able to change the most; not individual farmers with some of the biggest mortgages and expense bills in the country and are the ones who care the most about this, but those at the top need to change things to stop their already vulnerable farmers wanting to quit the industry.
This is too much for individual farmers to tackle all on their own.
But unfortunately, Labour, with it's overwhelming majority, does not need to listen to the Greens and are still bowing to the pressure of farming executives.
The Greens needed more MPs in government to give the government no choice at all but to do what's needed.
The government's half-baked plan to price farming pollution MIGHT meet climate targets the Greens put into law.
The Greens are not ok with maybes for the future of our babies and the planet as a whole.
We have just had almost the wettest winter on record in Tauranga, the Marlborough Sounds were flooded - twice, and Westport was flooded - thrice.
The latest science says that there is absolutely still time to act now to ensure this doesn't get worse.
The Green Party pricing plan on faming pollution that definitely WILL meet the climate targets that the Greens put into law includes:
- capping farm climate pollution and reducing it every year so agriculture does its fair share. The government's plan does not have any such caps at all.
- Guaranteeing proven pricing points that drive rapid reduction in emissions rather than the government's plan of just setting a random one that the farming executives like and hoping for the best.
- New tech that will not only reduce emissions, but also herd size, which the farming executives talked the government out of.
- Keeping politics out of it rather than allowing ministers to be influenced by farming executives.
- Committing to pricing fertiliser emissions through the ETS, which the government is only lukewarm on.
- Rapidly phasing out synthetic nitrogen fertiliser as well as cheap feed that drives intensive high-emission farming. The government will not cap nitrogen fertiliser.
If the government adopts the Green Party plan, not only will it definitely see us reach our official emissions targets, but we will have a healthier planet overall and therefore a healthier society.
This is why a Green coalition is needed - for the sake of all life on earth.
The best way to ensure this is voting for the Green Party next year and giving Labour no choice but to form the coalition that we have been waiting 23 years for now.