Flourishing with dementia


with Ruth Thomas from EnlivenPlus

Contrary to popular belief, with the right support people can, and do, flourish with dementia.

Studies have been undertaken with people newly-diagnosed with dementia about what is important to them and what they want, now that they have dementia.

There are a few common themes: wanting others to be respectful, but also able to have a laugh as this helps lighten the most difficult situations; wanting others to see the person/individual they still are and what they can still do and not just see the dementia; and that it's important to talk about normal day-to-day things, interests, activities and what we and they are jointly going to do and enjoy together.

Those living with dementia have a very clear message for us: ‘I am not dementia…I am me, support me to remain socially stimulated, connected and living my life'. What those with dementia want is exactly what the scientific research says they should be doing to maintain good brain health, and we need to listen to them.

When you're in the midst of caring for someone with dementia and coping with the normal day-to-day stuff, it can be easy to focus on the dementia. Sometimes a ‘fresh set of eyes' is needed that resets how the person is viewed, and is able to hear their voice.

I can help you and the person with dementia to look through those fresh set of eyes and start reconnecting them to things they love doing.

Ruth Thomas, lead specialist care manager, EnlivenPlus. Phone 07 547 4349.