Funding boost a win for cancer patients

Helen Carter, CEO Waikato/Bay of Plenty Cancer Society. Photos supplied.

Waikato and Bay of Plenty cancer patients are about to recieve a major funding boost.

"The Government announced a long-overdue boost to the National Travel Assistance scheme, which will make a material difference to people who don’t live close to hospitals and treatment centres," says Cancer Society Waikato/Bay of Plenty, CEO Helen Carter.

From April 1, 2024, nationwide, nightly accommodation support will be $140 (up from $100) and mileage rates 34c per km (up from 28c), she says.

"Cancer Society Waikato/Bay of Plenty welcomes the increase which is the first since 2009.

"I’ve described this funding change to colleagues as ‘historic,’ even.

"We are certainly grateful and celebrating the news.

"This boost will make a big difference to people undergoing cancer treatment in this region, during an incredibly difficult time in their lives.

"Our large rural population means we see a lot more people struggling with the logistics and costs associated with cancer treatment, compared to larger cities.

"Accommodation costs could be incredibly burdensome for those who need to stay close to the Waikato Hospital for lengthy periods of time.

Ella Scown, Lion’s Lodge client undergoing treatment. Photo supplied.

"We supported 2400 with accommodation at the Cancer Society’s Lion’s Lodge in Hamilton over the last 12 months," says Helen.

However, Helen says it's a constant battle to keep the lights on.

"With this new funding we can keep the wolf from the door for now so our attention can go to urgently growing services.

"The reality is demand for cancer support service is the highest it’s been in our 60-year history and set to skyrocket as cancer rates increase in the Waikato and Bay of Plenty regions over the next decade.

"The need for accommodation in the Bay, like the Lodge in Hamilton, is also huge. This is a priority project for our team, to find funding partners to make this a reality.

"We understand that the funding increase announced yesterday is only the first step in a series of improvements to the NTA scheme.

"The second step involves improving eligibility and awareness of thescheme – making the criteria fairer and the application process simpler.

"The Government has also said they will look at providing the financial support upfront, rather than as reimbursements.

"We welcome these further improvements, which we regard as just as critical, for the many people who are slipping through the cracks because of complicated criteria and the inability to fund their travel costs upfront.

"This can be a dealbreaker when it comes to accessing treatment.

"Sadly, we often hear of people who have really struggled through their cancer treatment without knowing support is available at all," she says.

"If you or a loved one is going through any type of cancer treatment in our region, know that there is support out there and Cancer Society Waikato/Bay of Plenty has your back.

"And thanks to the Government’s new funding boost, we can provide even more support to those who need it most."

1 comment

The Master

Posted on 28-03-2024 16:23 | By Ian Stevenson

Sadly the reason for a need of more funding is that there are more people to treat with rampant cancer.

People should be looking into why that is happening?

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