Changes to median barrier plans on SH2

One of the many protests by resident against the proposed median barriers. File Photo.

The installation of a median barrier on two sections of State Highway 2 between Waihī and Ōmokoroa is being re-examined by NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi. 

Chief Executive Nicole Rosie says this corridor has had a significant number of deaths and serious injuries, and has increasing volumes of traffic. It is also a key corridor for communities who live along or off the state highway.  

“We are seeking to strike a balance between achieving the best safety outcomes for all road users and a design that meets local trip needs. 

“As a result of community concerns, NZTA will re-consider the options for the section of median barrier between Matahui/Lockington roundabout and Wharawhara Road, and the stretch between Apata Station Road and Morton Road, which is the longest section in the project and includes the Work Road intersection,” says Nicole. 

The project will complete the finishing touches to the 1.4km of median barrier between Morton Road roundabout and Whatakao bridge.  

NZTA will continue median barrier installation from Wright Road to Aongatete bridge. This will mean Wright Road and Dawson Road will become left-in left-out (with a roundabout at Matahui/Lockington roads – approximately 1.2km distance from Wright Road).  

“NZTA is looking at ways we can continue to deliver safety benefits while meeting the community’s concerns,” says Nicole. 

“As part of this, we will also look at the speed limit for this stretch, which will depend on the safety improvements installed.” 

The current phase of works, installing median barriers and safe turnaround points (roundabouts), is 75 per cent complete, with 4 of 6 roundabouts built, and the fifth in construction at Apata Station Road.   

Changes to the overall design of the safety improvements have been made throughout the project and NZTA continues to consider the concerns raised by the community with the current design. 

NZTA will update the community following the re-examination process, which will take several weeks. 

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Not Rocket Science

Posted on 23-07-2024 18:55 | By Watchdog

In this day and age it must be reasonably simple to design 3 or 4 gaps in the roughly 4 kilometres of road divided by a traffic median barrier.
A roundabout could be done in more than one location. Sure this slows traffic but it is equally safer for all especially those who have to emerge from Work Road, for example. And not have to travel many kms before they can turn around and head for Tauranga.
Another tricky spot is the intersection at Whakamarama at Barrett Road with the State Highway. We need to have some form of barriers making it safer for people coming out onto the state highway, to turn right and head to Tauranga.
Real traffic construction needs to show empathy for, and with, the variety of people who have to use these roads.

Partial Success

Posted on 23-07-2024 19:13 | By GreenRidgeFarm

Yay! But don’t block Wright Road!!! I make a trip to town 2 times a day, 6 days a week, 4.5kms extra every trip = 9kms extra a day x 6 days -54kms a week, 2,800 kms extra a year going past the road I live down and around a roundabout to get back to my road!! Gas, tyres, maintenance, Added cost in a cost of living crisis, let alone the 40hrs extra driving each year I will have to make room for?! Stop trying to wrap people in cotton wool and use common sense NZTA! I’m more worried about going around the silly Morton Rd roundabout and being in an accident than turning right into or out of Wright Rd. Shows how poorly thought out and implemented it is!!

And Also.

Posted on 23-07-2024 22:43 | By The Truth Is Out There

Once the NZTA, redo the median barrier.
How about a discussion, on the wiring off, of the left hand side road verges!
Use to be safe, if had a car or truck issue, or even to replace a flat tyre.
Now, there is no room on the to pull over, and safely, attend to vehicle.
I would love to know, the intial instigator. Of the previous governments, road to zero.
Definitley, not any roading experience. It, has actually made, driving and navigating New Zealand roads, more dangerous.
Getting rid of passing lanes.
More cars on the road. More, incompetent drivers. More Frustration.
Not just my statement. But a fact.


Posted on 24-07-2024 07:22 | By Robin

Great news but why the want to block off Wright rd after spending a fortune on a turning bay is beyond me. We have 6 staff 5 or 6 days a week plus when picking or pruning up to 30 cars plus large trucks. Each having to travel an extra 4.5 k everyday is ridiculous especially as there has been no accidents on Wright Rd corner.


Posted on 24-07-2024 12:09 | By hexsayer

not a single thing will change until we revoke driving licences from some countries nationals. that they need to pass a test with basic driving rules before they can lawfully drive. there. then if there was actually a robust public transport network... na someone just needs to do some investment in an uber type service.

Trust NZTA - yeah right!

Posted on 24-07-2024 14:52 | By Lund

Well it's great that Waka Kotahi is doing a 2nd review (internal) after continued pressure from the community. The 1st review resulted in NO change. Simeon has stepped up and told them to sort it or an independent review will be instructed. NZTA do not want independent reviewers snooping into their conduct and procedure - so they are doing a 2nd one.
Let hope there are significant changes to the design this time! Amazing effort from all involved in this fight. People Power.

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