22:09:41 Wednesday 26 March 2025

Steve Morris only one voted back from 2019 council

Steve Morris at a Tauranga City Council meeting in 2020. Photo: Bay of Plenty Times / George Novak.

The only councillor to be re-elected from Tauranga’s previously sacked council says he is pleased to have “broken through that ceiling”.

Newly elected Pāpāmoa ward councillor Steve Morris was one of six members of the 2019 council who ran in this month’s local election.

The former council was discharged of its duties due to dysfunction and governance issues. It was replaced by a four-person commission led by former MP Anne Tolley in February 2021.

In what has been hailed as Tauranga’s return to democracy, a mayor and nine councillors were elected on July 20.

Morris says it “feels pretty good” to be re-elected because there was “a lot of negative press” surrounding the 2019 council.

He won the seat with 1273 votes, 151 votes more than runner-up Tim Maltby.

Morris says he is pleased the Pāpāmoa community returned him to the council to “keep championing the cause” and to have “broken through that particular ceiling”.

Asked if he would do anything differently from his 2019 term, Morris says he believed in collective responsibility but “not everybody can be tarred with the same brush”.

“Each person has been the author of their own demise from time to time, but you learn from it … and you move forward.”

Morris says leadership would be critical for the council’s success.

“If leadership’s distant or divisive then that’s a recipe for disaster.”

Tauranga’s new mayor Mahé Drysdale. Photo: Alisha Evans/SunLive.

Initial conversations with new mayor Mahé Drysdale showed he wanted to work closely with his councillors, and was “collaborative and communicative rather than divisive”, says Morris.

“That’s a recipe for success.”

The day after his landslide victory, Drysdale told Local Democracy Reporting he was one of 10 votes around the table and it was about using everyone’s skills to deliver.

Morris was first elected in 2013 and was serving his third term before the council was replaced by the commission.

Eight of the 10 newly elected members have never been on council before, including Mayor Drysdale.

Morris and Arataki ward councillor Rick Curach are the only two who have served previously.

The team had only had “informal discussions” ahead of their swearing-in on Friday but Morris says there is a lot of enthusiasm.

The community shouldn’t be concerned by the lack of council experience within the new team, he says.

“There are a good mix of skills around the table. I’m a big believer that smart people can learn quickly and get on with it.

“The ingredients are there for a successful council.”

 Pāpāmoa ward councillor Steve Morris will be serving his fourth term on council. Photo: Supplied. 

The team was chosen by voters and would be judged on its performance, he says.

The “rubber would hit the road” when the new council decided its approach to the council’s 10-year plan adopted by the commission, says Morris.

The 2024/34 long-term plan proposes $4.9 billion in capital investment, including more than $1b in transport infrastructure and a $574 million investment in community facilities.

During the election campaign some “very valid issues” were raised about the affordability and funding of the plan, says Morris.

He says he also wanted to restore the council’s image and reputation, which had “declined over the last four years and stayed very low”.

This would be done by the council delivering, says Morris.

The annual residents’ survey showed the council’s overall reputation rating dropped from 69 in 2018 to 50 in 2020. It fell even lower to 18 in 2021 before rising to 31 by 2023.

A score of 80 or more is considered an excellent reputation, 60-79 is acceptable and less than 60 is a poor reputation.

Key Research surveys about 150 Tauranga residents four times a year to understand residents’ satisfaction with council services, leadership and other performance measures.

The results are for the year from July 1 to June 30.

LDR is local body journalism co-funded by RNZ and NZ On Air.



Posted on 30-07-2024 01:39 | By Let's get real

Past experience counts for nothing if you have painted-on ears.
I wonder how long it will be before the new councillors are TOLD that the unelected council seat warmers know best and take no notice of public opinion, such as those posted online.
Grenfell and department heads have their own idealistic views about what the city wants and more often than not, it doesn't mesh with the real truth.
Tauranga isn't an online game, like Simcity. But just like Simcity, those that make the big mistakes have very few real world consequences for their Ineptitude.

Marty Grenfell's

Posted on 30-07-2024 20:10 | By nerak

5 year term of appointment finished 03.09.23, not sure what his current position/term is. But I am sure he's far to cosy with too many of the mob behind closed doors, and my understanding is that is not healthy for the good of the city, or the ratepayers. Like many others, I want much more transparency from those whose pockets, to my detriment, I line. As ratepayers, we must, now more than ever, demand it. No more closed meetings.

Council decisions

Posted on 01-08-2024 15:30 | By Frenchie

Council decisions shouldn't be determined by endless conversations with the community. That approach means nothing ever gets done. Councillors are elected to make decisions. They should back themselves to make those decisions, informed of course by council staff. If the community doesn't like their decisions, then they don't vote for them again.

@ Frenchie

Posted on 02-08-2024 09:14 | By Yadick

Interesting comment. Good food for thought.
I agree that endless conversation is a waste of time and money. However, I also believe that the communities input is necessary, certainly not on everything, and should be listened to, heard, considered, and the necessary action taken for a decisive outcome. Job done.

Marty Grenfell's term - nerak

Posted on 06-08-2024 10:41 | By Murray.Guy

Nerak, Marty Grenfell's term was, in my opinion, corruptly extended by 5 years by the commissioners. The commissioners could have extended the CEO's tenure by two years at no cost as of right.
The commissioners carried out a 'sham' of an advertised employment process to enable the commissioners to give Marty 5 years to continue the pathway they have established. https://www.tauranga.govt.nz/council/council-news-and-updates/latest-news/artmid/456/articleid/9326

A new CEO chosen by elected members may have put their plans in place in jeopardy.

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