Blessed are the animals in Tauranga

Reverend John Hebenton with Lucy. Supplied photo.

If you’re heading to St George’s Anglican Church next Sunday, don’t be surprised if you end up sharing a pew with a dog, a cat or even a budgie or two.

Show your love and appreciation for your pet and all animals, great and small, by joining us at SPCA’s annual Blessing of the Animals ceremony on October 6 at 10am.

“Unite with families, canines and other creatures great and small, for the special opportunity to have your pets blessed as we celebrate and give thanks for our companion animals and recognise the life of the patron saint of animals, St Francis of Assisi,” said event organisers.

“We will also mark World Animal Day, which was celebrated on October 4.”

All pets are welcome, but dogs must be on leads while cats must be in carriers, and bird, mice and other small critters in cages. Donkeys and horses must remain in the garden.

“If your pet is not comfortable with other animals, loud noise or crowds, you can bring along a photo of your pet to be blessed instead.

“St Francis was believed to have built bonds of love with all kinds of creatures, but he had a special relationship with birds, who often followed him around and rested on his shoulders, arms or hands as he prayed or walked around outside.

“He famously preached an impromptu sermon to a flock of birds in Italy.”



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