Tauranga student receives $5000 scholarship

Tauranga’s Julia Newman (Ngātiwai, Ngāti Ranginui) will this year wrap up five years of studying at the University of Otago. Photo / supplied

A Tauranga woman is one of eight people to be announced as a recipient of the 2025 Te Waiu o Aotearoa Trust scholarship.

Julia Newman (Ngātiwai and Ngāti Ranginui) will receive a $5000 grant to help with costs associated with her studies.

This year, she will wrap up five years of studying for an LLB and BCom at the University of Otago.

In a statement, she said her time in Dunedin has been incredibly meaningful as alongside her studies, she’s had the opportunity to engage with her whakapapa.

“I always knew I was Māori but didn’t really know much about my lineage.

“Going to university and meeting people who are so immersed in te ao Māori made me want to learn more. I’ve been learning te reo and being able to share some of what I’m learning with my whānau back home has been really special.”

Newman has spent the summer working for a Crown prosecutor and in the future is keen to combine her interests in law and business.

“My studies have opened my eyes to so many different avenues.”

She said she’s grateful to be a 2025 TWOA scholarship recipient.

“I feel very privileged that my application stood out.”

One of the trustees overseeing the scholarships, Westpac NZ Poutiaki, director Māori strategy and indigenous inclusion Fonteyn Moses-Te Kani, said this year the decision was made to increase the number of scholarships awarded from four to eight, to celebrate the 31 years of partnership between Te Waiu o Aotearoa Trust and Westpac NZ.

“We had such great candidates it was difficult to choose our winners, so I’m thrilled we’re able to recognise eight individuals this year.

“The scholarships have been awarded to very talented people who are committed to being of service to their communities. The whakataukī ‘Kei ōu ringaringa te ao - the world is yours’ seems like a great reflection of this year’s recipients.”

Te Waiu o Aotearoa Trust was established in 1994 as an independent entity working to promote, develop and provide for the education, advancement and employment opportunities of students of Māori descent.

As a partner, Westpac NZ has administered the trust for the 31 years since its establishment.

Each year, the trust awards each recipient a $5000 grant to help with costs associated with their studies.

Applications for the 2026 scholarships will open during Matariki 2025.


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