Local Elections - Tauranga City Council

Candidates for the 2024 Tauranga City Council election


Tanya Bamford-King

Aureliu Braguta

Greg Brownless

Andrew Caie

Mahé Drysdale

Anthony Goddard

Chudleigh Haggett

Ria Hall

Donna Hannah

Hori BOP

Tim Maltby

Jos Nagels

Douglas Owens

John Robson

Tina Salisbury

Te Awanui Ward

Suaree Borell

Ashley Hillis

Mikaere Sydney

Arataki Ward

Sarah-Jane Bourne

Rick Curach

Anthony Goddard

Teresa Killian

Adrienne Pierce

Kim Renshaw

Jeroen Van der Beek

Andrea Webster

Harris Williams

Mike Williams

Bethlehem Ward

Charlene Apaapa

Shelley Archibald

Felicity Auva’a

Darren Gilchrist

Gerry Hodgson

Jos Nagels

Bevan Rakoia

John Robson

Kevin Schuler

Matua-Ōtūmoetai Ward

Tanya Bamford-King

Ronald Chamberlain

Democracy is paramount as is The Will of the People without any need for politics just getting the job done needs to be the focus. Experience on Auckland Council in the past provides this plus common sense which has been lacking in past years. The right for you, the ratepayer, to have your say is a must. A volunteer for many years does not produce wealth but much satisfaction to the many thousands who give their most valuable thing in life - their time.

“We make a living from what we earn, but we make a life by what we give.” - W. Churchill

-Ron Chamberlain, Otumoetai.    

Glen Crowther

Born and raised in Otūmoetai, I returned in 2006 keen to support the community that shaped me. As Executive Director of Sustainable BOP Trust and a Regional Transport Advisor, I’ve developed a detailed understanding of council’s plans and finances.

As your Matua-Otūmoetai councillor, I’ll value different perspectives and ensure your voice is heard. I excel at teamwork, analysis, and finding practical, cost-effective solutions.

Tauranga’s biggest challenge is managing the rapid growth that’s overwhelmed the city. Council debt is skyrocketing – doubling under the Commissioners!

We must limit rates increases by curbing non-essential spending and ensuring the government and land developers contribute more towards growth infrastructure.

It’s also vital we prioritise essential infrastructure, including top-ranked transport projects (Hewletts-Totara, public transport, etc.), a Tauranga West transfer station, and keeping Otūmoetai Pool.

Please give me your #1 vote for financial accountability, transparent leadership, and a genuine community voice. I’ll hit the ground running. - www.glencrowther.nz

Suzie Edmonds

Cam Holden

Jim McKinlay

"My commitment is to be an effective custodian and accessible - as your local Councillor. My goal is to ensure that our Council operates as a cohesive team, delivering well-managed progress while maintaining financial stability. Your vote "1" will enable me to continue moving our city forward with renewed energy!

As proud residents of the Matua / Otumoetai Ward, my wife Sue and I love living in Tauranga. We want to ensure that our family and all residents can enjoy the best our city has to offer and create an even more exciting future.

Drawing from my extensive experience in leadership, business, senior management and governance, I am committed to ensuring that our Council prioritises effective delivery of core services.

In my twenty years at Bayleys, I have developed considerable expertise in commercial property and stakeholder management – which will be valuable as we manage our large city building programme." www.mckinlayjim.com

Basie Pikimaui

Ken Patterson

Tenby Powell

Kim Pritchard

Mike Rayner

I grew up in Tauranga before serving in New Zealand’s military, then travelling the world for eleven years. I returned to the city I love where I currently teach Metalwork at Ōtūmoetai College, as well as running a successful commercial development business. 

I am standing for councillor out of a desire for change, and my hope our council can make a clean break from its troubled past, where common sense and basic courtesy was rare.  

I have previously served in governance roles on community boards, and believe in investment in new projects, but not at the expense of the upkeep of facilities that have already been established, often by the hard work and private fundraising of volunteers. 

I will be a voice for the preservation of the Ōtūmoetai Pool, Tauranga Golf Course, Tauranga Racecourse, and the Baypark Speedway, and will seek to reverse all previous plans for their disestablishment. 

Zach Reeder

David Tank

David Webb

Mauao/Mount Maunganui Ward

Heidi Hughes

Garth Mathieson

I have lived in Mount Maunganui for 36 years and Tauranga for 2 years before that.  I am a self-employed lawyer with 38 years of experience, 31 of those on my own account. 

I am a Lieutenant Commander in the Royal New Zealand Navy Volunteer Reserve and have completed two overseas deployments and multiple domestic and international military exercises.  From 2003 to 2009 I was the Chairman of the Tauranga Millennium Track Trust that organised the construction of and raised the finance for the world class athletic track at the Tauranga Domain.

I am standing to represent community organisations, the glue that binds communities together and the ratepayers.

My vison is different than that of the Commissioners.  I see Tauranga as a 21st century city of interconnected villages rather than a per-21st century city with one CBD.

Teresa Nichols

Michael O'Neill

Jacqueline Pointon

Jen Scoular

Peter Stanley

Pāpāmoa Ward

Bryan Archer

John Bowden

Phillip Coleman

Ria Hall

Tim Maltby

Steve Morris

Maaka Nelson

Craig Purcell

Shelley Robb

Te Papa Ward

Andrew Caie

Mark Decke

Chudleigh Haggett

Reihana Marx

Terry Molloy

Jim Smith

Abraham van Berkel

Rod Taylor

Barbara Turley


Murray Guy

Larry Baldock


Since 2001 I have been elected at various times to represent Pyes Pa and Greerton and served one term in Parliament as a List MP working hard to make progress on Tauranga’s transportation, housing, infrastructure and social amenity needs.

Under the Commissioners good progress has been made but there is still much to be addressed like the congestion we currently endure moving in and out of our Tauriko Ward through the roundabouts that cross State Highway 29. This is one of the most critical issues facing us now.

As we transition back to elected Councillors some may think that it should be out with the old and in with a new! However with a proven track record I ask for your vote so that my experience and knowledge of the past can help support a new team of councillors to keep our city moving forward into the future. - www.baldock.org

Marten Rozeboom

Stephen Wheeler

Welcome Bay

Hautapu Baker

Aureliu Braguta

Ethan Brinkman

Robert Coe

Donna Hannah

Cameron Templer